Articles of Faith Part Seven: Prevenient Grace

The Articles of Faith: Hearing, Understanding and Living It
Part 7: Prevenient Grace
I. Grace to ________
A. Created in God’s __________ (Gen. 1:26)
1. To be _________ responsible (Gen. 1:26; 2:15-17)
2. Includes the ability to choose ________ from _______. (Gen. 2 &3 ; Joshua 24:15; Deut. 8:1-2)
B. The Cost of the _________ choice (Gen. 3)
1. ___________ (corruption; evil; immorality)
(Gen. 3 & 4)
2. ___________ to turn to God on own (Romans 3:10-18; 7: 14-25)
II. _________ Grace (Titus 2:11-14)
A. Grace is available to all _________ (Titus 2:11-14; Romans 1:20)
1. ___________ all people to turn from sin
2. Enabling all people to turn to ____________
B. Grace to believe in Christ and ask forgiveness (Salvation)
C. Grace to live a _________ life
III. ___________ from Grace (Hebrews 2:1-3; 3:12-15; 4:6; 10:2-27; 1 John 2:24)
A. Once saved, it is possible to turn from _________
B. One who has fallen from Grace:
1. Has completely ________ from God
2. To return; must ________
(Ezekiel 18:21-23; Acts 17:30; 2 Peter 3:9)
3. May _________ salvation without repentance
C. God _______________ t take salvation from anyone; those who turn from God are ___________.
IV. __________ Grace
V. ____________ Grace