The Night Caller & The New Birth
John 3:1-18
I. _____________ to Jesus (John 3:1-8)
A. Nicodemus __________ to Jesus.
1. He was a ___________.
2. His position meant _________.
B. Jesus __________ with Nicodemus.
1. You must be ________ __________.
2. Born of __________ & _____________.
3. The Spirit is like the ____________.
II. _____________ with Jesus (John 3:9-15)
A. Nicodemus Questions Jesus
1. Question from Nicodemus- How can this be?
B. Answers from the __________ of ____________
1. How can you ______ know?
2. I am the ____________ on heaven.
3. I must be ____________ ________.
III. ___________ Jesus (John 3:16-18)
A. The choices: To _________ or not to __________.
B. To believe is to ____________.
C. What is your choice? _______________________.