Three In One: God the Son
John 1:1-18
Jesus: The ___________ (vv 1-3)
What does Word mean?
The Greek for Word is ________.
Logos is “the divine wisdom manifest in the creation, government, and redemption of the world” (Merriam Webster).
Jesus Christ is the Word (Logos)
Characteristics of the Word (Jesus Christ)
He was there in the ______________
He was with _____________
He was ___________
_____ things were made by Him
Jesus: The Word is ____________(vv 4-13)
In Christ was ________
Life was the ____________ of all mankind.
The light ____________ darkness.
John testified to the ____________.
So that all would ______________.
The True Light was coming into the ______________.
The world would _______________ Him.
To those that do He gave them the right to become ____________ of God.
Jesus: The Word Made __________ (14-18)
The _________________. - Jesus becoming human. (God with Us).
We know God because He came to us in the person of __________
Jesus Christ is ___________ God and fully ____________.
He is the revelation of the ___________ expression of humanity.
He is full of _____________ and ____________