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Then There Was God's Plan: Part 2

Genesis 39-46

I. __________Kink in the Plan

A. Problems will _________ to come.

1. Joseph was _______ _________.

2. Joseph was thrown in ______.

B. It is the _________to the problems that is the key.

1. Joseph_________ to sin.

2. Joseph did not ___________.

II. God is ________with us. Even when the plan “____ _____.”

A. The Lord was with _________.

1. He poured out His _______ and ________.

2. God helped him to ________within the circumstances.

B. The Lord is with ________.

1. He ___________ His mercy and grace upon us.

2. He helps us to prosper ________our circumstances.

III. God has a__________for the Trials

A. He shows His ___________.

1. To ____________

2. To ____________

3. To ____________

B. He_____________

1. _____________

2. _____________

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