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The Coming of the Lord

2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

  1. ____ ______ BE _____________ (2:1-2)

  2. About the _______ of the Lord and the _____________of the Saints (2:1)

  3. The Day of the Lord has_______ ________come (2:2)

  4. ______ ________BE ____________

  5. A falling _________ (rebellion)______ occur. (2:3)

  6. The man of ________________will be revealed (2:3-5)

  7. Lawlessness is ____________at work. A (2:6-7)

  8. When the lawless one is revealed, the Lord will __________him with His coming (2:8)

  9. Those that __________the lawless one will be ____________and ____________. Exchanging truth for lies. (2:9-12)

  10. _______ BE __________________(2:13-17)

  11. You have been _________to be _________ and __________. (2:13-14)

  12. __________ ____________and hold to scriptural truth taught by word or letter. (2:15)

  13. God ________you, _______ His ___________, gives us ________ and ___________. (2:16-17)

  14. You are being ____________for (2:16-17)

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